Czerka-93U Hunting Rifle

Czerka-93U Hunting Rifle
Type: Weapon (Blasters)
Category: Blaster Rifle

Size: 2 slots

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Forest Camouflage


Owned by: Battlelord Waza Sunrider

Prototype: Czerka-93U Hunting Rifle

Slotted in: Tex

The Czerka-93U Hunting Rifle is a very accurate long range blaster rifle designed with low-power for game-hunting. Capable of carrying only four rounds to meet its designation as a hunting rifle and limiting its capacity, the weapon is much easier to obtain making it very common in the galaxy.

Forest Camouflage (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

Czerka-93U Hunting Rifle has been painted in a forest camouflage scheme. Every component and surface of the weapon has been applied with a mingled pattern of green and brown tones so tha tit better blends in with a forest environment.