The Fallen Spear

The Fallen Spear
(Autochthonian Dragon-class Skirmisher)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Assault Ship

Granted: The Lion's Den

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Fateful Signs


Owned by: Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu

Wiki link: Fallen Spear

The Autochthonian Dragon-class Skirmisher is a 100-meter-long Assault Ship designed as a multi-role escort and anti-starfighter assault ship, with a small ventral docking bay that can be sealed up when not in use to protect the ship. Hyperdrive capable, this vehicle has great maneuverability and fast speed, with average armor and shields. Built with a design aesthetic in mind, this unique ship bears its weaponry in a less obvious way than many may be used to seeing. The ship's primary systems are guided by a VASIC AI system, allowing for a much smaller crew than other ships of similar size.

8 dual-laser turrets
6 heavy laser cannons
4 assault concussion missile tubes

3 crew and 8 gunners for full effectiveness
100 passengers
150 metric tons of cargo

Granted Aspect: The Lion's Den (Granted)

The Lion's Den

This particular Autochthonian Dragon-class Skirmisher has been retrofitted with two ion cannons, a tractor beam that allows it to lock onto and move other vessels or objects, sensor masks, and a cloaking system. Several luxury customizations have also been performed to the owner's quarters, to include meditation gardens, laboratories, and a training hall.

Fateful Signs (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

When uncloaked, the alien design and distinctive matte black and purple color scheme of the Fallen Spear makes it easily identifiable as the ship of the Lion of Tarthos.