Chuchi's Vitality

Chuchi's Vitality
(GX1 Diplomatic Short Hauler)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Shuttle

Space Vehicle Modification: Onboard Luxury Amenities

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


  • Communications Array (Experimental)
  • Smuggling Compartments (Shielded)


  • IFF Secondary Transponder


  • Anti-Pursuit Laser Turret


Owned by: Dr. Giyana Jurro

Prototype: GX1 Diplomatic Short Hauler

Slotted in: Giyana's Gear

The GX1 Diplomatic Short Hauler is a 37-meter long Shuttle designed as a diplomatic vessel for extended missions and tours of constituencies. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has poor maneuverability and average speed, with light armor. It is also known as the "Lantillian Short Hauler", and can be piloted from a secondary pod that detaches from the primary hull equipped with its own compact hyperdrive allowing passengers to escape dangerous situations if necessary.

1 dual laser turret

1 crew and 1 gunner for full effectiveness
10 passengers
10 metric tons of cargo

Onboard Luxury Amenities (Space Vehicle Modification)

Chuchi's Vitality has had its interior converted to provide the epitome of luxury and comfort, befitting Giyana Jurro's preferences.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic
Enhancement (1/1)