Political Attire

Political Attire
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Political Attire: Professional Politician


Owned by: Adept Alaris Jinn

Prototype: Political Attire

Slotted in: Alaris' Loadout

The Political Attire is the epitome of sartorial extravagance. It is designed for the station of the individual and is tailored to reflect the most recognized style of whichever planet or faction the individual aligns to.

Professional Politician (Political Attire)

Alaris Jinn likes to be viewed as professional by his peers, and Political Attire gets the job done. A simple black and white suit is covered by a set of navy blue robes. A black cloth is wrapped around the waist to fit the robes closer to his body. Around the neckline is a white ruffled fabric. Completing the ensemble is a dark gray cloak with ornate black designs sewn in, and a pair of black dress shoes.