Joben T-85 Speeder Bike

Joben T-85 Speeder Bike
Type: Land Vehicle
Category: Speeder Bike

Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Junkyard


Owned by: Envoy Taranae Rhode

Prototype: Joben T-85 Speeder Bike

The Joben T-85 Speeder Bike is a Speeder Bike designed for personal transport. The Jedi Kanan Jarrus used a T-85.

1 pilot

Junkyard (Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic)

Joben T-85 Speeder Bike is hardly recognizable as an Joben T-85 Speeder Bike, with missing plating that has been replaced with various other pieces of different colors and patterns. Under all the repairs Joben T-85 Speeder Bike functions all the same.