H-type Nubian Yacht

H-type Nubian Yacht
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Shuttle

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 2

Upgrade: Empty

Enhancement: Empty


Owned by: Kromtal Bloodfyre Romanae

Prototype: H-type Nubian Yacht

The H-type Nubian Yacht is a 48-meter long Shuttle designed as a sleek and customizable yacht with a luxury cabin. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and exceptional speed, with heavy armor and powerful shielding. Manufactured by the Nubian Design Collective, it had a slim narrow profile and sheltered engines to reduce its sensor signature to help with evading pursuits, as well as a breakaway escape pod and electronic countermeasures for defensive purposes.


4 crew for full effectiveness
1 passenger

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Modification
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic
Enhancement (0/1)

This slot is empty

Upgrade (0/2)

This slot is empty