BD-3000 Luxury Droid

BD-3000 Luxury Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Protocol Droid

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3


Owned by: Sildrin Lyonsbane

Prototype: BD-3000 Luxury Droid

The BD-3000 Luxury Droid is a protocol droid used most notably in high-end entertainment establishments and in the care of wealthy patrons. This droid is a sign of wealth and is designed to appear lavish and stylized. It is capable of providing basic serving functions.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Cosmetic
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Personality
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I, Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II, Droid Structural Upgrade - I, or Droid Structural Upgrade - II