Imperial TIE Flight Suit

Imperial TIE Flight Suit
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Armor Enhancement - II: Heat Resistant Overlay

Armor Helmet Upgrade - I: Basic Military H.U.D.

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I: Armorweave Construction


Owned by: Jafits Skrumm

Prototype: Imperial TIE Flight Suit

Slotted in: Jaarek's gear

The Imperial TIE Flight Suit is a cheap and utilitarian environmentally sealed suit manufactured in mass quantities for the Empire. It consists of an enclosed helmet, chestplate, a life-support system, thermal gloves and a black coverall.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Imperial TIE Flight Suit has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Heat Resistant Overlay (Armor Enhancement - II)

Imperial TIE Flight Suit has been enhanced with a heat resistant overlay, that allows the wearer of this Imperial TIE Flight Suit to operate and survive in extreme heat conditions without the loss of bodily function or burning to death, for a limited amount of time.

Basic Military H.U.D. (Armor Helmet Upgrade - I)

The helmet on this Imperial TIE Flight Suit has been fitted with a basic military heads up display. All prevalent information about the user's military unit, and unit member individual ID tags are displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range for ease of use while keeping the center view unobstructed.

Armorweave Construction (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I)

Imperial TIE Flight Suit has been constructed using a lightweight armorweave, providing it with a little additional protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Imperial TIE Flight Suits.