K-8T0 (Kayto)

K-8T0 (Kayto)
(KX-series Security Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II: Language Processing Unit

Droid Cosmetic: Silver And Gold

Combat Droid Upgrade - II: Enhanced Combat Protocols (Basic)

Droid Personality: Delusions Of Grandeur


  • Royal Guard Force Pike


Owned by: Dr. Bril Teg Arga

Prototype: KX-series Security Droid

Slotted in: Bril Teg Arga

The KX-series Security droid, also known as an enforcer droid, is a security droid designed for use by the Galactic Empire. It comes fitted with a comm package, recharge port and computer interface arm that allows them to connect to communication frequencies in respective areas they were assigned across the galaxy. It has a tall and versatile humanoid bipedal design that gives it great versatility and provides the ability to operate a multitude of vehicles or assist in a wide range of tasks designed for humanoids.

Language Processing Unit (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II)

This KX-series Security Droid has been fitted with a complete database unit on galactic languages, allowing K-8T0 (Kayto) to recite and translate known languages like a protocol droid.

Silver And Gold (Droid Cosmetic)

K-8T0 (Kayto) has been altered to appear more as a token of wealth than your typical KX-series Security Droid. Silver paint has been applied to the droid's exterior, allowing for accented gold plating in order to create a contrast and draw attention to the supposed credit value the droid represents.

Enhanced Combat Protocols (Basic) (Combat Droid Upgrade - II)

K-8T0 (Kayto) has been programmed with slightly improved combat protocols, allowing it to perform slightly better in multiple combat scenarios when compared to other KX-series Security Droids.

Delusions Of Grandeur (Droid Personality)

K-8T0 (Kayto) has developed an obsessive personality centered around the concept of self-improvement. K-8T0 (Kayto) truly believes itself to be superior to any other KX-series Security Droid and capable of accomplishing great feats. This drive aids it in accomplishing its tasks, but sometimes will result in unexpected additional outcomes.