Political Attire

Political Attire
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Political Attire: Never Off Duty


Owned by: Zanet Xox

Prototype: Political Attire

The Political Attire is the epitome of sartorial extravagance. It is designed for the station of the individual and is tailored to reflect the most recognized style of whichever planet or faction the individual aligns to.

Never Off Duty (Political Attire)

When not in an assembly, Zanet Xox still likes to look sophisticated so he wears Political Attire. Over-top a simple suit made up of black dress pants, and a dark gray jacket, is a navy blue cloak draped over his shoulders. The center of the cloak is attached to a silver metal brace that is set around the neck. The pants are held up by a black belt with a silver clasp and buckle, and a pair of black dress shoes finishes up the ensemble.