Recon-PK Droid

Recon-PK Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Probe Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Black As Night

Droid Personality: Predatory Inclination


Owned by: Aari Starfire

Prototype: Recon-PK Droid

The Recon-PK Droid, also known as a rolo-droid, is a surveillance and intelligence gathering droid with a single wheel for movement and a cranial unit packed with advanced audio and visual sensory equipment. It is popular among operatives and mercenaries for their durability and reconnaissance capabilities.

Black As Night (Droid Cosmetic)

Recon-PK Droid has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this Recon-PK Droid to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.

Predatory Inclination (Droid Personality)

Recon-PK Droid has developed a predatory nature similar to those often associated with assassin droids. As a result, Recon-PK Droid will often approach a situation with the mind set of a hunter, and convey their findings as such. This can be disconcerting to others who are unaccustomed to Recon-PK Droid.