Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor

Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Granted: Minor Cortosis Weave Construction

Armor Enhancement - III: Optical Camouflage System (Basic)

Armor Helmet Upgrade - III: Multi-Spectrum Viewplate

Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - II: Kinetic Resistant Plating

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Armor Enhancement - III: Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental)

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Bio-Support Dispenser


Owned by: Obelisk Adherent Rrogon Skar Agrona

Prototype: Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor

The Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor is the standard armor of the Dark Brotherhood's Special Forces consisting of full body armor and a helmet. Undergoing a more refined production process than standard Iron Legion Armor, it offers minimal resistance to Lightsabers in addition to some resistance to blasters. The base color scheme uses a grey and black aesthetic with white trim.

Granted Aspect: Minor Cortosis Weave Construction (Granted)

Minor Cortosis Weave Construction

This Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been constructed with a minor amount of rare cortosis metal weaved into the main material. This minor cortosis weave gives Rrogon Skar Agrona the ability to resist three to four strikes or glancing blows of a lightsaber using his Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor. Continuous contact begins to melt through in one second.

Optical Camouflage System (Basic) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been fitted with an experimental optical camouflage generation system, allowing this Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor to hide from the naked eye and visual sensors by being rendered invisible. To maintain this, the user of Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor must remain completely still.

Multi-Spectrum Viewplate (Armor Helmet Upgrade - III)

The helmet of this Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been fitted with a multi-spectrum viewplate, allowing the user to toggle their faceplate between regular, infrared, and ultraviolet spectrums.

Kinetic Resistant Plating (Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - II)

Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been reinforced with kinetic resistant plating, providing it with medium protection against various forms of kinetic energy when compared to standard Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armors.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been fitted with a small plasma shield, allowing this Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor to disperse up to ten energy or physical attacks before cutting out.

Bio-Support Dispenser (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor has been fitted with high-tech medical technology and a bacta reserve, allowing this Synergy Iron Legion SpecForce Armor to patch minor wounds in the middle of combat and seal general injuries after combat.