C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid

C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Astromech Droid

Astromech Droid Upgrade - III: Improved Astrogation (Advanced)

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III: Integrated Tools (Advanced)

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III: Upgraded Processor (Experimental)

Droid Cosmetic: Splash Of Color

Droid Personality: Analytic Mind


Owned by: Celebration Store

Prototype: C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid

The C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid is a variant of the C1-series Astromech Droid that has been heavily modified and upgraded by the Phoenix rebel cell in their fight against the Galactic Empire.

Improved Astrogation (Advanced) (Astromech Droid Upgrade - III)

This C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid has greatly improved astrogation programming, allowing it to perform incredibly more complex maneuvers and store additional hyperspace coordinates or jumps within its memory.

Integrated Tools (Advanced) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III)

An advanced toolkit has been integrated into C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid, allowing it to perform sophisticated and large-scale repairs on other droids or technology.

Upgraded Processor (Experimental) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III)

The experimental memory upgrade provides quantum computing power to this C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid, allowing it to perform complex analytical operations at an incredibly faster rate than before.

Splash Of Color (Droid Cosmetic)

C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid makes a mark that is immediately apparent upon first setting eyes upon it. Looking like the victim of an explosion of color, C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid is covered in multi-hued designs and patterns utilizing as many variations as possible. While appearing to be random upon first glance, there is a certain uniformity to the chaotic display of the artist.

Analytic Mind (Droid Personality)

C1-series "Phoenix Edition" Astromech Droid has developed a personality revolving around analytics with no room for imagination. This results in a myriad of statistics and rules of logic being delivered routinely. Such a personality can be grating on others, and often is greeted with annoyance.