R3-series Astromech Droid

R3-series Astromech Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Astromech Droid

Droid Modification: Memory Upgrade

Droid Personality: Sarcastic Tendencies

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Plaid Sadira

Prototype: R3-series Astromech Droid

The R3-series Astromech Droid is a successor to the popular line of R2 astromech droids with faster processing abilities designed to fit in the droid socket of any starfighter. It is commonly designed with a domed or tapered code head, with a cylindrical core in addition to a base, retractable tread leg and two main legs. It has multiple appendages and attachments within its compartments, such as shock prods, welding torches, and is equipped with a holoprojector and a periscope that has a probe function which is usable in space.

Memory Upgrade (Droid Modification)

R3-series Astromech Droid has had additional memory installed that increases its computing power. This allows it to perform complex analytical operations at a marginally faster rate, but limits the ability to further customize the R3-series Astromech Droid in any other way.

Sarcastic Tendencies (Droid Personality)

R3-series Astromech Droid has developed a quirked personality, granting it an inclination towards heavy doses of sarcasm when engaged in dialogue. As a result, R3-series Astromech Droid comes across as having issues taking direction and developed a reputation for 'snark'.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Astromech Droid Upgrade - I or Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I