Political Attire

Political Attire
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Political Attire: Political Comfort


Owned by: Sera Kaern

Prototype: Political Attire

Slotted in: Sera's Silly Stuff

The Political Attire is the epitome of sartorial extravagance. It is designed for the station of the individual and is tailored to reflect the most recognized style of whichever planet or faction the individual aligns to.

Political Comfort (Political Attire)

Designed for comfort, Political Attire is Sera Kaern’s go to choice during long days in a political assembly. Made out of soft, non-abrasive fabrics, the suit consists of a white undershirt, a dark green fitted button up jacket, and a pair of beige dress pants. A simple but classy black belt with a silver clasp and buckle holds up the pants, and a pair of black dress shoes finish up the simple outfit.