
(R3-series Astromech Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Astromech Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Functional Disrepair

Droid Modification: Toughness

Droid Personality: Predatory Inclination


Owned by: Dralin Fortea

Prototype: R3-series Astromech Droid

The R3-series Astromech Droid is a successor to the popular line of R2 astromech droids with faster processing abilities designed to fit in the droid socket of any starfighter. It is commonly designed with a domed or tapered code head, with a cylindrical core in addition to a base, retractable tread leg and two main legs. It has multiple appendages and attachments within its compartments, such as shock prods, welding torches, and is equipped with a holoprojector and a periscope that has a probe function which is usable in space.

Functional Disrepair (Droid Cosmetic)

R3-D9 could be said to have seen better days. Looking more like the result of a scavenging run than a fully functioning R3-series Astromech Droid, its plating is missing in several key locations which leaves its internal circuitry exposed. Wiring flows out of the main chassis before snaking its way back under the next panel along its path. Servos and non-critical systems are laid bare for all to see, but R3-D9 retains its functionality despite this.

Toughness (Droid Modification)

R3-D9 has recieved redundant programming and a mechanical overhaul that reinforces known weaknesses from the original design that allow this R3-series Astromech Droid to continue operating and survive much longer against a wide range of attacks. This programming overhaul slightly slows processing times while the mechanical fitments can slightly reduce agility.

Predatory Inclination (Droid Personality)

R3-D9 has developed a predatory nature similar to those often associated with assassin droids. As a result, R3-D9 will often approach a situation with the mind set of a hunter, and convey their findings as such. This can be disconcerting to others who are unaccustomed to R3-D9.