TL-50 Heavy Repeater

TL-50 Heavy Repeater
Type: Weapon (Blasters)
Category: Repeating Blaster

Size: 2 slots

Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - III: XAD Omnisight

Blaster Weapon Enhancement - III: Weapon-to-Armor Motion Tracker

Blaster Rifle Weapon Upgrade - III: Underslung Mini-Missile Launcher

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Blackout


Owned by: Antei Armaments

Prototype: TL-50 Heavy Repeater

The TL-50 Heavy Repeater is a heavy repeating blaster weapon with triple barrels capable of sending storms of lower damage bolts into the battlefield, or alternatively gather energy and provide single powerful concussion blasts that are lethal on a direct hit. It saw use during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

XAD Omnisight (Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - III)

The top of this TL-50 Heavy Repeater has been fitted with an omni scope, allowing TL-50 Heavy Repeater to locate targets in darkness or through smoke with infrared and ultrasonic sensors.

Weapon-to-Armor Motion Tracker (Blaster Weapon Enhancement - III)

TL-50 Heavy Repeater has been modified with a weapon-to-armor tracking system, allowing this TL-50 Heavy Repeater to provide feedback to the wielder's heads-up-display on enemy movement.

Underslung Mini-Missile Launcher (Blaster Rifle Weapon Upgrade - III)

The underside of this TL-50 Heavy Repeater has been fitted with a miniaturized missile launcher, allowing TL-50 Heavy Repeater to fire a miniature rocket at a target using the Explosives skill.

Blackout (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

TL-50 Heavy Repeater has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this TL-50 Heavy Repeater to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.