Coruscant Underworld Police Armor

Coruscant Underworld Police Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Enhancement - I: Utility Arm

Armor Cosmetic: Urban Camo

Armor Helmet Upgrade - I: Basic Military H.U.D.


Owned by: Scout Hevan Slavis

Prototype: Coruscant Underworld Police Armor

Slotted in: Evan's stuff

The Coruscant Underworld Police Armor is generally made of heavier leather with metal chest and shoulder pieces. It is capable of protecting against a wide variety of threats an officer would face on the streets while acting as a mark of station.

Utility Arm (Armor Enhancement - I)

Coruscant Underworld Police Armor has been fitted with a small utility arm, allowing this Coruscant Underworld Police Armor to assist the wearer in a multitude of tasks, but is unable to hold or fire a weapon.

Urban Camo (Armor Cosmetic)

Coruscant Underworld Police Armor has been designed with an urban scheme camouflage. Each component of the armor has been applied with a mingled pattern of gray tones to better blend with an urban environment.

Basic Military H.U.D. (Armor Helmet Upgrade - I)

The helmet on this Coruscant Underworld Police Armor has been fitted with a basic military heads up display. All prevalent information about the user's military unit, and unit member individual ID tags are displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range for ease of use while keeping the center view unobstructed.