Ghille Suit

Ghille Suit
(Royal Guard Armor)
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Ghille Suit

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3


Owned by: Alexander DelGotto

Prototype: Royal Guard Armor

The Royal Guard Armor consists of fully functional battle armor obscured by loose-fitting ceremonial robes. It provides superior protection to that of normal Imperial armor without restricting the movement of the individual.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Enhancement - I or Armor Enhancement - II
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Helmet Upgrade - I, Armor Helmet Upgrade - II, Enclosed Armor Upgrade - I, or Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II, Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - I, or Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - II
Ghille Suit (Armor Cosmetic)

Ghille Suit has been coated with a variety of twigs and leaves reflecting the local fauna. The design is intended to better camouflage in forested or jungle areas.