Elite Mandalorian Armor

Elite Mandalorian Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Armor Enhancement - III: Self Repair System (Basic)

Armor Enhancement - II: Mag Boots

Armor Helmet Upgrade - III: Helmet Computer (Advanced)

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Bio-Support Dispenser

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II: Durasteel Construction


Owned by: Lynnyaria Meraudstar

Prototype: Elite Mandalorian Armor

The Elite Mandalorian Armor is immediately recognizable, consisting of a helmet, shoulder pauldrons, wrist gauntlets, breastplate, codpiece, kneepads, as well as leg guards all clasped over a full body glove that provides both comfort and protection. The helmet possesses an iconic T-shaped visor as well as an antenna tipped with a macrobinocular rangefinder that can be pulled over the viewplate. The armor is constructed of durasteel, and is able to be pressurized via a toggle to allow the wearer to survive in space, toxic atmospheres, and under water.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Elite Mandalorian Armor has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Self Repair System (Basic) (Armor Enhancement - III)

A basic self-repair system has been integrated into this Elite Mandalorian Armor, slightly reducing the amount of time spent on Elite Mandalorian Armor's maintenance by allowing the armor to passively repair minor damage over a long duration of time.

Mag Boots (Armor Enhancement - II)

The boots on this Elite Mandalorian Armor have been enhanced with powerful magnetic soles that allow the wearer to maintain footing in low-gravity situations.

Helmet Computer (Advanced) (Armor Helmet Upgrade - III)

The helmet on this Elite Mandalorian Armor has been fitted with a performance datapad, allowing the user to utilize Elite Mandalorian Armor as a performance computing device.

Bio-Support Dispenser (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

Elite Mandalorian Armor has been fitted with high-tech medical technology and a bacta reserve, allowing this Elite Mandalorian Armor to patch minor wounds in the middle of combat and seal general injuries after combat.

Durasteel Construction (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II)

This Elite Mandalorian Armor has been constructed using heavy durasteel alloy, providing it with heavy protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Elite Mandalorian Armors.