
Type: Companion
Category: Mammal

Tameability Category: Domesticated

Creature Physical: Just Right

Creature Cosmetic: Of Sabled Snow

Creature Personality: Of Yip and Nip


Owned by: Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna

Prototype: Tuggle

Slotted in: Zuj's things

The Tuggle is a carnivorous animal native to Toola. Only a meter and a half long, they are strong for their size. If fed correctly, it can pull a sled all day with minimal breaks.

Granted Aspect: Domesticated (Tameability Category)


Iarna was bred in a tame condition, and is comfortable around humanoids. It depends on humanoids for survival and looks to them for support. As creature handling goes up, a member can better understand and train and control this creature, but it will always look to Diyrian "Diy" Grivna for guidance and support. When a character is proficient (+3) at handling creatures, they can do all they need with a domesticated creature.

Just Right (Creature Physical)

Iarna is the average size and body mass for a Tuggle, with a balanced build for mobility agility, and power.

Of Sabled Snow (Creature Cosmetic)

Iarna has the light coat of her species. The fur nearly white in its winter morph, flecks of light tan and streaks of grey-brown speckled down her shoulders, back, and tail. Once shed, however, this Tuggle's coat darkens to mostly a sandy tan mottled with darker streaks. Her face, down her neck and to her stomach, and onward beneath her tail remains snow white. Iarna's right eye is a shade of ice blue while her left is the dark brown of her species. A scar crosses her muzzle and another leaves a permanent bare patch on her right flank.

Of Yip and Nip (Creature Personality)

A past of abuse had made Iarna had affected her personality. When exposed to new stimuli or situations, people, etc., the Tuggle takes a split second to decide whether she will approach it with eager curiosity or with nervous aggression. This leads to her being unpredictable. Those who are not familiar with Tuggles' or even mammalian predators' behavior may not notice the subtle changes from 'new friend?' to 'I will bite your hand.' The only guaranteed situation is her love for her family and anything she decides is a 'baby,' protecting them fiercely.