
Type: Mount
Category: Mammal

Tameability Category: Domesticated

Creature Personality: Alpha

Creature Physical: Oversized

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Iron Menagerie

Prototype: Narglatch

The Narglatch is a species of cat large enough to be used as a mount, and ferocious enough to be effective in battle. Considered sacred to the Talz, their young are easily considered cute, but they were known to become more and more ferocious with age. They grew to a length of almost 6 meters including the tail, and had blue and white coloration, with a thatch of spiky hair at the base of its neck.

Granted Aspect: Domesticated (Tameability Category)


Narglatch was bred in a tame condition, and is comfortable around humanoids. It depends on humanoids for survival and looks to them for support. As creature handling goes up, a member can better understand and train and control this creature, but it will always look to Iron Menagerie for guidance and support. When a character is proficient (+3) at handling creatures, they can do all they need with a domesticated creature.

Alpha (Creature Personality)

Narglatch has a natural, instinctive drive to take the lead when around other creatures, especially when among fellow Narglatch’s. They are usually the first to take point and will often look to assert their dominance by means of aggressive actions or by vocalizing with their respective method of communication (howling, hissing, roaring, etc.).

Oversized (Creature Physical)

Narglatch is larger than the average Narglatch in terms of size and body mass. Their bulkier build can offer better power but often at the expense of the mobility and agility commonly associated with other Narglatch.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Creature Cosmetic