
Type: Mount
Category: Reptavian

Tameability Category: Domesticated

Creature Cosmetic: Typical

Creature Physical: Oversized

Creature Personality: Shy Nature


Owned by: Iron Menagerie

Prototype: Keeradak

The Keeradak is a non-sentient creature from Skao Minor. They communicate with others of their species through rather distinctive cries. It is believed that some worshipped these animals.


Granted Aspect: Domesticated (Tameability Category)


Keeradak was bred in a tame condition, and is comfortable around humanoids. It depends on humanoids for survival and looks to them for support. As creature handling goes up, a member can better understand and train and control this creature, but it will always look to Iron Menagerie for guidance and support. When a character is proficient (+3) at handling creatures, they can do all they need with a domesticated creature.

Typical (Creature Cosmetic)

Keeradak has typical coloring and physical appearance for a Keeradak.

Oversized (Creature Physical)

Keeradak is larger than the average Keeradak in terms of size and body mass. Their bulkier build can offer better power but often at the expense of the mobility and agility commonly associated with other Keeradak.

Shy Nature (Creature Personality)

Keeradak is inherently reserved when compared to the rest of their kind. They tend to react to extreme conditions like loud noises, bright lights, aggressive action, or perceivable threats by retreating or looking for a place to hide. This timid nature can be mistaken for weakness, but underneath remains a strong, caring spirit that still very much wants to be a part of the world around them.