Mandalorian Heavy Infantry Armor

Mandalorian Heavy Infantry Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 6


Owned by: NPC Armory

Prototype: Mandalorian Heavy Infantry Armor

The Mandalorian Heavy Infantry Armor is a variant of Mandalorian Armor that shares the same style as its lighter counterparts but is built more heavily. It consists of a helmet, shoulder pauldrons, wrist gauntlets, breastplate, codpiece, knee pads, as well as leg guards all clasped over a full-body glove that provides both comfort and protection. The helmet possesses an iconic T-shaped visor as well as an antenna tipped with a macrobinocular rangefinder that can be pulled over the viewplate. The armor is constructed of durasteel, and is able to be pressurized via a toggle to allow the wearer to survive in space, toxic atmospheres, and under water.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Enhancement - I, Armor Enhancement - II, or Armor Enhancement - III
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Enhancement - I, Armor Enhancement - II, or Armor Enhancement - III
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Helmet Upgrade - I, Armor Helmet Upgrade - II, or Armor Helmet Upgrade - III
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Enclosed Armor Upgrade - I, Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II, or Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II, Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - III, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II, Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - III, Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - I, Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - II, or Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III