
Type: Weapon (Lightsaber)
Category: Lightsaber

Lightsaber Enhancement - II: Shadowsheath

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 2

Lightsaber Focusing Crystal: Empty


Owned by: Reaper Ryuu Suoh

Prototype: Lightsaber

Slotted in: Nero Tartareus's Items

The Lightsaber is a weapon used by Jedi and Sith. It is a plasma blade, emitted from a hilt and powered by crystals that determine the characteristics and color. It is useful as both an offensive and defensive weapon depending on the skill of the one wielding it. Capable of cutting through virtually anything including blast doors given enough time.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - I or Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - II
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Advanced Lightsaber Cosmetic or Basic Lightsaber Cosmetic
Shadowsheath (Lightsaber Enhancement - II)

Lightsaber has been modified so that it can be typically stored inside a specialized accompanying sheath that conceals the majority of this Lightsaber using optical camouflage technology.

Lightsaber Focusing Crystal (0/1)

This slot is empty