Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform

Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Armor Cosmetic: Legacy of Palpatine

Armor Enhancement - II: Mag Boots

Armor Enhancement - III: Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental)


Owned by: Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr

Prototype: Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform

Slotted in: 01 - Reiden's Equipment

The Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform is a variant of the Imperial Military Uniform with a white tunic and trousers, golden epaulets, and appropriate rank insignia plaque.

Legacy of Palpatine (Armor Cosmetic)

This Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform has been co-opted to serve as the dress uniform for members of Scholae Palatinae that have been granted the honor to be the bearers of the Legacy of Palpatine title. The overall color scheme is black rather than white, but still retains the various design features normally found on such a uniform.

Mag Boots (Armor Enhancement - II)

The boots on this Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform have been enhanced with powerful magnetic soles that allow the wearer to maintain footing in low-gravity situations.

Portable Plasma Shield (Experimental) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform has been fitted with a small plasma shield, allowing this Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform to disperse up to ten energy or physical attacks before cutting out.