MC85 Star Cruiser

MC85 Star Cruiser
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Destroyer

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Squadrons: Empty

Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty

Space Transports: Empty


Owned by: Arx Fleet Systems

Prototype: MC85 Star Cruiser

The MC85 Star Cruiser is a heavy Star Cruiser manufactured in partnership between Mon Calamari Shipyards and the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Despite its large size and being under-gunned, the MC85 is still able to outrun modern battlecruisers and its advanced deflector shields are capable of repelling huge amounts of damage before failing, far more than most vessels. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has exceptional maneuverability and speed, with average armor and heavy shielding. The MC85 saw use by both the New Republic and Resistance following the Galactic Civil War.

18 heavy turbolasers
18 heavy ion cannons
12 point-defense laser cannon turrets
6 proton torpedo launchers
4 tractor beam projectors

1,139 crew for full effectiveness
1,200 passengers
500,000 metric tons of storage space
7 squadrons of starfighters

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic
Capital Ship Upgrade (0/10)

This slot is empty

Space Transports (0/4)

This slot is empty

Squadrons (0/7)

This slot is empty