Imperial Spacetrooper Armor

Imperial Spacetrooper Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Enhancement - II: Mag Boots

Armor Helmet Upgrade - II: Device Interface H.U.D.

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II: Durasteel Construction

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Antares Consolidated Armorers

Prototype: Imperial Spacetrooper Armor

The Imperial Spacetrooper Armor consists of white plastoid composite worn over a black body glove. This armor is equipped with a rebreather pack and is capable of being sealed against the vacuum of space.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic
Mag Boots (Armor Enhancement - II)

The boots on this Imperial Spacetrooper Armor have been enhanced with powerful magnetic soles that allow the wearer to maintain footing in low-gravity situations.

Device Interface H.U.D. (Armor Helmet Upgrade - II)

The helmet on this Imperial Spacetrooper Armor has been fitted with a specialized device interface heads up display compared to other Imperial Spacetrooper Armors, allowing it to interface with another device connected through a datajack in the back of the helmet. All prevalent information is displayed around the center of the user's field range, with secondary information is displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range.

Durasteel Construction (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - II)

This Imperial Spacetrooper Armor has been constructed using heavy durasteel alloy, providing it with heavy protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Imperial Spacetrooper Armors.