
(Collegium-class X-1 Covert Research Cruiser)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Cruiser

Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty

Squadrons: Empty


Owned by: The Brotherhood

Prototype: Collegium-class X-1 Covert Research Cruiser

Slotted in: Aurora Collegium

The Schism is the first of three Collegium-class X-1 Covert Research Cruisers in use by the Aurora Collegium. The main base of operations for the Stardust Society of the Collegium, the research and experimentation section of this vessel has been outfitted with advanced mechanical and technical research equipment necessary for the Stardust Society to conduct their work. State-of-the-art, ahead-of-their-time machine and engineering shops and design computers used in the creation of prototype weapons, vehicles, droids, starships, and other radical technologies fill the majority of the research section, while simulation and testing bays fill the remainder.

Capital Ship Upgrade (0/8)

This slot is empty

Squadrons (0/1)

This slot is empty