Light Infantry Utility Vehicle Platoon

Light Infantry Utility Vehicle Platoon
Type: Transport Platoon
Category: Ground Transport

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Arx Armor Workshop

Prototype: Light Infantry Utility Vehicle Platoon

The Light Infantry Utility Vehicle (LIUV) Platoon is a troop transport unit that consists of eight LIUV, along with eight pilots, eight technicians, and four mechanics to operate and maintain them. Designed for rapid troop transport in war zones, the LIUV is a general-purpose vehicle that is fast and lightly armored with a fore mounted FWMB-10 repeating blaster that could be operated by one of its passengers. Operated by the pilots in the platoon, each can carry 2 passengers allowing the platoon to carry only 16 soldiers or passengers. Used by the First Order as transport on the Starkiller Base.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Land Vehicle Combat Cosmetic