BX-series Droid Commando

BX-series Droid Commando
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II: Encrypted Memory

Combat Droid Upgrade - III: Improved Targeting Systems (Advanced)

Droid Structural Upgrade - III: Reinforced Plating (Advanced)

Droid Personality: Standard Issue

Droid Cosmetic: Corporate


  • Synergy CX-17m ICWS


Owned by: Vynn Salm

Prototype: BX-series Droid Commando

The BX-series Droid Commando is an advanced Combat Droid designed for infiltration and action behind enemy lines, but can also perform security, bodyguard, and enforcer duties. They are an advancement of the B1 Battle Droid, with sturdier bodies and a more compact head. BX-series Commando Droids are programmed with improved tactics and battlefield awareness capable of continuing fighting after significant damage, and were used by the Confederacy of Independant Systems during the Clone Wars.

Encrypted Memory (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II)

The memory databanks have been highly encrypted on this BX-series Droid Commando, preventing unauthorized access from nefarious parties.

Improved Targeting Systems (Advanced) (Combat Droid Upgrade - III)

This BX-series Droid Commando has been augmented with an advanced targeting system, allowing BX-series Droid Commando to track and acquire targets at a much greater proficiency than a standard BX-series Droid Commando.

Reinforced Plating (Advanced) (Droid Structural Upgrade - III)

This BX-series Droid Commando has been reinforced with an advanced layer of additional armor plating, providing BX-series Droid Commando much more durability compared to a standard BX-series Droid Commando.

Standard Issue (Droid Personality)

BX-series Droid Commando is subjected to frequent memory wipes, and has little to nothing in the way of personality. It acts according to its basic programming in an efficient and impersonal manner.

Corporate (Droid Cosmetic)

BX-series Droid Commando, is painted in a high gloss white on its primary plating. Underneath and at the joints are a matte black. A circular corporate logo is placed on its left chest and right shoulder.