Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer

Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer
Type: Weapon (Blunt)
Category: Shield

Shield Cosmetic: Mint Condition


Owned by: Warden Lontra Boglach

Prototype: Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer

The Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer is a specially designed Shield bracer that uses a small shield generator powered by a kohlen crystal to create a forearm sized shield. This shield is completely impenetrable from both sides including lightsabers using kyber crystals, but can be bypassed with a lightsaber utilizing a kohlen crystal. While advanced, the power of the bracer is limited and can only be used for a maximum of several minutes before needing to be recharged.

Mint Condition (Shield Cosmetic)

Lontra Boglach has painstakingly cared for this Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer, and even upon close examination it appears as though Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer was freshly off the manufacturing line. It is absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections.