
Type: Land Vehicle
Category: Landspeeder

Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Junkyard


  • Fire extinguishing system


Owned by: Sage Enzo Dek

Prototype: Sandcrawler

Slotted in: Ships

The Sandcrawler is a huge 40-meter long Landspeeder designed as a mobile fortress, refinery, as well as a living space for mining operations by the Corellia Mining Corporation. It has thick armor plating capable of enduring even the harshest weather, and many large tracks to traverse multiple landscapes. While found all across the galaxy, they are most famously used by the Jawas of Tatooine.


4 pilots and 46 crew for full effectiveness
30 passengers
150 metric tons of cargo space

Junkyard (Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic)

Sandcrawler is hardly recognizable as an Sandcrawler, with missing plating that has been replaced with various other pieces of different colors and patterns. Under all the repairs Sandcrawler functions all the same.

Enhancement (1/1)