Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol

Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol
Type: Weapon (Explosives)
Category: Explosives Launcher

Explosives Launcher Upgrade - II: Underslung Scattergun

Explosives Launcher TargettIng Enhancement - III: Sonic Scope

Explosives Launcher Enhancement - I: Open Reload System

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Battleworn Blaster

Explosives Launcher Ammunition - II: High Explosives


Owned by: Grot

Prototype: Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol

The Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol is an incredibly sophisticated and featherweight Explosives Launcher in pistol form. Instead of heavy cannisters like other flechette launchers, it fires flechette-filled pellets and features a miniature laser tracking system that tags targets with an electronic homing signatures allowing the pellets to track and follow a targets movements through in-flight course correction. These pellets detonate three meters from their target, sending out a shotgun-spread of micro-flechettes. It is extremely accurate even at medium to long ranges because of the spread, and has the stopping power of a heavy blaster pistol.

Underslung Scattergun (Explosives Launcher Upgrade - II)

The underside of this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been fitted a miniaturized scatter gun, allowing Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to fire multiple spread shots of slugs using the Slugthrowers skill.

Sonic Scope (Explosives Launcher TargettIng Enhancement - III)

The top of this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been fitted with a sonic scope, allowing Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to locate targets through solid matter.

Open Reload System (Explosives Launcher Enhancement - I)

The chassis of this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been modified to remove exterior casing and expand the reload chamber, allowing Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to be reloaded much quicker than normal.

Battleworn Blaster (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has seen combat, and it shows, with blaster marks scarring the body on the weapon, and minor damage in the form of scratches and dents unrepaired since they had no impact on the functionality of this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol.

High Explosives (Explosives Launcher Ammunition - II)

The ammunition on this Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol has been swapped with highly explosive anti-personnel explosives, allowing the explosives fired from Maxalan Firepower FWG-5 Smart Pistol to have a greater impact to the point of being able to damage some light vehicle armor.