Character Snapshot (Headmistress Alethia Archenksova)

Character Snapshot for Captain Alethia Archenksova (2016/01/26, Lieutenant Colonel Zoso Quinn vs. Captain Alethia Archenksova)

Captain Alethia Archenksova

Journeyman 4, Journeyman tier, Clan Odan-Urr
Female Human, Loyalist, Weapons Specialist
Height: 1.69 m / 5'7" - Weight: 55.0 kg / 121 lbs
Age: 30 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

Alethia doesn’t much look the part of a ruthless enforcer of government authority. Perhaps a bit too tall to be called dainty, she is nevertheless slender and fine-boned. Her movements are graceful and deliberate, owing to a youth spent in dance classes and finishing schools. Out of uniform, she’s anything but intimidating - but at work her icy demeanor and carefully cultivated aura of omniscience and control are enough to chill the blood of her close friends, to say nothing of her enemies.

Alethia has a generally cool complexion, with fair, even-toned skin. She has been dyeing her hair a silver color since her teens, although she has been known to freely change the color while under cover. Alethia keeps her hair about shoulder-length and usually wears it pulled back.

In professional settings, Alethia almost always wears her KUDF uniform, even if it’s not required. The rest of her wardrobe is a bit limited by New Tython’s distance from the fashionable planets of the Core, but she has managed to scrounge together a small collection of tasteful and well-tailored clothes in various cool shades of blue, green, and purple. Fashion and taste are considerations, but Alethia shies away from any clothes that restrict her movement significantly. She rarely goes out in public without her hair and makeup just so.

Equipped Weapons (Legacy)
Alethia: "at all times" loadout on her CS plus her SE-14C blaster pistol. Zoso: CS loadout.
Preferred Weapon Loadout (Legacy)

At all times:

  • a small vibroblade
  • a Czerka 411 holdout blaster

When knowingly entering combat:

  • DC-19 stealth carbine
  • SE-14C blaster pistol
  • one smoke grenade
  • one ion grenade
  • one thermal detonator.
Culture Shock (General Aspect)

Alethia is still accustomed to the time of the Galactic Empire, when Force-users were rarely spoken of and almost never encountered. Because of this, the abilities of the Jedi and Sith are somewhat mysterious to her and she's wary of them as a result. On the other hand, she does know that the Emperor killed all the Jedi and the galaxy functioned just fine without them. Alethia is far from convinced that Force-users are much better than the Loyalists and Mercenaries they claim dominion over.

True Faith (General Aspect)

Alethia spent her entire adult life before joining Odan-Urr fighting for the New Order and, although the Empire itself may have failed her, she still holds to its ideals. She appreciates order and devotion to duty, believes the government and military have a central role in civilized society, and suspects that 'democracy' is just a euphemism for anarchy. While this causes friction with her clanmates, Alethia does her utmost to enforce Odan-Urr's rule over New Tython and is constantly watching for signs of insurrection against the Clan Summit.

Guilt is a Useless Emotion (Personality Aspect)

In order to withstand the psychological demands of her work, Alethia long ago learned to separate her professional self from who she is out of uniform. Those who’ve only seen her as the icy ISB or Ooroo agent are often shocked at how warm and soft she is when away from work. She doesn’t suffer from the angst and hand-wringing over morals that many of her colleagues do, but her faith in her cause allows her to rationalize away some things that shouldn’t be so easily dismissed.

Power, Corruption & Lies (Personality Aspect)

Between the petty games of the Coruscanti nouveau riche, undercover work, Imperial politics, and Alderaanian high society, Alethia is no stranger to constant war between appearance and reality among the galaxy’s well-to-do. She has an almost instinctive handle on etiquette and can be charming on command, but this armor of superficiality keeps her colleagues from getting close to her. Additionally, her couture wardrobe and refined accent tends to elicit strong reactions, with some thinking her “well-bred and well-born” and others writing her off as “another insufferable snob”.

Shellshock (Combat Aspect)

Alethia applies the same rules to personal combat that the Imperial military applied to its maneuvers: hit first, hit hard, and destroy the enemy’s will to ever fight you again. She is efficient and brutal in combat, disregarding form and style in favor of whatever puts the enemy on the ground now. Even in a drawn out engagement, the initial shock usually allows Alethia to dictate the terms of the rest of the battle. Of course, this focus on aggression sometimes means that Alethia starts - and usually finishes - fights that could have been avoided in the first place.

Spooky (Combat Aspect)

Alethia doesn’t much care for fair fights. If she can’t break an opponent’s will or kill them outright at the beginning of a battle, she’ll play the long game and use pain, exhaustion, mind games to wear down her adversary. She’s found that certain poisons work wonders on Force users. If Alethia can manage to retreat to safety between skirmishes, she will - but if she can’t, a skilled warrior is likely to overwhelm her too quickly for any of her more devious tricks to take full effect.

Skill Feats
Assess The Situation Go Ahead, Make My Day Parkour! The Hand Is Quicker Sociopath Poison Weapons
Force Feats
Granted Feats
Human: Just Another Face Human: Eye Of The Tiger Medley I Proficiency I Order Feat: Loyalist
  • Basic
  • Huttese
  • Government of the Galactic Empire
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Shadow Step
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Weapon Specialization Bladed
(Only applies to the Weapon Specialist Discipline)
Primary Lightsaber Form None