Seer Xolarin, Guardian of the Whills

Equite 3, Rogues, Jedi, Guardian of the Whills
Displaying Trophies 11 - 20 of 62 in total
  • You're as Cold as Ice, level 8
    You're as Cold as Ice, level 8: Earn 128 Clusters of Ice - 46.88% (94/128)
  • Knowledge Seeker, level 6
    Knowledge Seeker, level 6: Pass 128 SA courses - 45.31% (93/128)
  • Dark Summiteer, level 4
    Dark Summiteer, level 4: Serve a total of 180 days as a Dark Summit member - 40.0% (126/180)
  • Consumer, level 10
    Consumer, level 10: Participate in 512 Competitions - 38.28% (354/512)
  • Golden Fingers, level 5
    Golden Fingers, level 5: Participate and place in 16 Fiction Competitions - 37.5% (11/16)
  • Producer, level 7
    Producer, level 7: Organize or Co-organize 64 Competitions - 37.5% (44/64)
  • Eternal Acolyte, level 3
    Eternal Acolyte, level 3: Spend (or have spent) at least 4 years at a single rank - 33.48% (2.67/4)
  • We’ve got cookies!, level 4
    We’ve got cookies!, level 4: Spend 4 years in Dark Path - 26.87% (3.27/4)
  • ELOquent, level 2
    ELOquent, level 2: Attain an Elo rating of 1050 points in the ACC - 16.0% (1029/1050)
  • Overachiever, level 6
    Overachiever, level 6: Earn 256 Trophies - 15.63% (148/256)