
Novitiate 1, Rogues, Force Disciple
Displaying Trophies 41 - 50 of 71 in total
  • Feats of Strength
  • Are You Not Entertained!?
    Are You Not Entertained!?: Have (had) the highest Elo gain in a quarter
  • ELOquent, level 1
    ELOquent, level 1: Attain an Elo rating of 1025 points in the ACC - 97.56% (1000/1025)
  • Eternal Acolyte, level 1
    Eternal Acolyte, level 1: Spend (or have spent) at least 1 year at a single rank - 1.84% (0.02/1)
  • First Blood is mine. Last blood means more., level 1
    First Blood is mine. Last blood means more., level 1: Spend 1 year as a Sith pre-order-shuffle - 0.0% (0.0/1)
  • Headstrong
    Headstrong: Qualify for the ACC (100 credits)
  • I am the Sword Master!, level 1
    I am the Sword Master!, level 1: Spend 1 year as an Obelisk - 0.0% (0.0/1)
  • Like my Father Before me…, level 1
    Like my Father Before me…, level 1: Spend 1 year as a Guardian - 0.0% (0.0/1)
  • The man who wanted to be God… then changed his mind., level 1
    The man who wanted to be God… then changed his mind., level 1: Spend 1 year as a Krath - 0.0% (0.0/1)
  • Watcher on the Wall, level 1
    Watcher on the Wall, level 1: Spend 1 year as a Sentinel - 0.0% (0.0/1)
  • We Are Groot, level 1
    We Are Groot, level 1: Earn 1 Cluster of Earth - 0.0% (0/1)