Major Marcus "The Chemist" Ignis, Imperial

Equite 1, Clan Scholae Palatinae, Loyalist
Displaying Trophies 1 - 10 of 68 in total
  • My apprentice still hasn’t stabbed me, level 1
    My apprentice still hasn’t stabbed me, level 1: Spend 1 year as a Sith post-order-shuffle - 79.88% (0.8/1)
  • Dusty Old Scholar, level 2
    Dusty Old Scholar, level 2: Ancient knowledge from retired courses: (Have 8 retired (inactive) courses listed on your dossier’s training tab) - 75.0% (7/8)
  • Knowledge Seeker, level 4
    Knowledge Seeker, level 4: Pass 32 SA courses - 75.0% (28/32)
  • The PIN is mightier..., level 2
    The PIN is mightier..., level 2: Be a club member for 2 years - 68.09% (1.68/2)
    Grants: a bonus of 5000 credits
  • Eternal Acolyte, level 1
    Eternal Acolyte, level 1: Spend (or have spent) at least 1 year at a single rank - 59.91% (0.6/1)
  • Loyal to the Tee, level 2
    Loyal to the Tee, level 2: Be a member of the same top-level unit for 2 years - 56.96% (1.57/2)
  • Consumer, level 8
    Consumer, level 8: Participate in 128 Competitions - 51.56% (97/128)
  • Career Student, level 3
    Career Student, level 3: Earn 4 SA Degrees - 50.0% (3/4)
  • Completionist
    Completionist: Earn a Pundit, a Maven, a Savant and a Sage degree - 50.0% (2/4)
  • Spoils to the Victor, level 1
    Spoils to the Victor, level 1: Earn 1 ACC Combat Point by participating in the ACC - 50.0% (0.5/1)
    Grants: access to the ACC Warbanner Tasset, a bonus of 500 credits, and 50 XP