Ruby Scepter events for Kaine Mandaala

Ruby Scepter events
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Jac Cotelin
Primary reason

The Ruby Scepter is awarded for achievement and/or contributions in the area of instruction, invention, and mentorship. Based on these criteria, I can think of no one more deserving than DP Kaine Mandaala. Several months ago the DJBWiki was created to serve as an information tool and living library for the Dark Brotherhood. DP Mandaala contacted me after he found out about the project and volunteered his experience and time to the project. Immediately Kaine separated himself from all others working on the Wiki through the sheer volume of work he contributed. Kaine identified several areas for improvement and implemented them using his knowledge of Wiki coding. When the growth of the DJBWiki exploded, Jac and I identified the need for a Wiki Tribune. There was only one choice for this position, and that choice was Kaine. After receiving the position of Wiki Tribune, Kaine created a staff and set down tasks and goals for the staff to accomplish. Since that time, templates have been created for OOB, medals, characters, ships, and planets. In addition to this work, the main page of the Wiki has gone through a tremendous change and looks better than most wikis on the web. Kaine is a true asset to the DJB and his work on the DJBWiki is a testament to his dedication to our Club. Congrats Kaine! ~DJM Sarin<br> <br> I can't say enough about Kaine -- his contributions over the years have been nothing short of extraordinary. His dedication to the Wiki has helped place a new resource in the DB proper. It is a valuable tool that will be used for years; Kaine being the primary force behind its development.<br> <br> Beyond the WIki, Kaine has been a great help in keeping the message boards updated and policed. I can't tell you what a relief it is to know that the MBs are consistently taken care of by someone who actually cares to do it. Kaine's initiative in this area has not gone unnoticed.<br> <br> Kaine is a great adviser and a good friend to all. He most certainly deserves this award!<br> <br> ~Jac

Jac Cotelin, 2006-11-25 23:00:00 UTC