Ondur Lkaetur

Journeyman 4, Rogues, Sith
Displaying Trophies 1 - 10 of 70 in total
  • ELOquent, level 1
    ELOquent, level 1: Attain an Elo rating of 1025 points in the ACC - 95.51% (979.0/1025.0)
  • The PIN is mightier..., level 18
    The PIN is mightier..., level 18: Be a club member for 18 years - 88.6% (17.89/18)
    Grants: a bonus of 15000 credits
  • We’ve got cookies!, level 4
    We’ve got cookies!, level 4: Spend 4 years in Dark Path - 84.79% (3.85/4.0)
  • Academic, level 8
    Academic, level 8: Attain 128 Academic Credits - 79.69% (115/128)
  • Completionist
    Completionist: Earn a Pundit, a Maven, a Savant and a Sage degree - 75.0% (3/4)
  • My apprentice still hasn’t stabbed me, level 8
    My apprentice still hasn’t stabbed me, level 8: Spend 8 years as a Sith post-order-shuffle - 73.56% (7.74/8)
  • Knowledge Seeker, level 5
    Knowledge Seeker, level 5: Pass 64 SA courses - 71.88% (55/64)
  • I immediately regret this decision, level 1
    I immediately regret this decision, level 1: Have been a member of 3 different root-level-units - 66.67% (2/3)
  • I said no power tools!, level 5
    I said no power tools!, level 5: Acquire 5000 XP Points - 65.96% (4149/5000)
    Grants: 1 Interchangeable Power Cell and 3 Carbon Nanofiber
  • Golden Fingers, level 3
    Golden Fingers, level 3: Participate and place in 4 Fiction Competitions - 50.0% (3/4)