General Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama, Emissary

Elder 1, The Council, Sith
Displaying Trophies 1 - 10 of 58 in total
  • Academic, level 9
    Academic, level 9: Attain 256 Academic Credits - 95.31% (250/256)
  • Spoils to the Victor, level 4
    Spoils to the Victor, level 4: Earn 5 ACC Combat Points by participating in the ACC - 75.0% (4.5/5)
    Grants: 1 Brotherhood-issued Combatant's Foam Hand, access to purchase 2 Possessions Items, a bonus of 1250 credits, and 50 XP
  • What's a 'Stick Figure'?, level 7
    What's a 'Stick Figure'?, level 7: Earn 64 Clusters of Graphite - 75.0% (56/64)
  • Career Student, level 6
    Career Student, level 6: Earn 32 SA Degrees - 62.5% (26/32)
  • Fired Up, level 11
    Fired Up, level 11: Earn 1024 Clusters of Fire - 60.55% (822/1024)
  • Knowledge Seeker, level 6
    Knowledge Seeker, level 6: Pass 128 SA courses - 59.38% (102/128)
  • Producer, level 7
    Producer, level 7: Organize or Co-organize 64 Competitions - 56.25% (50/64)
  • Consumer, level 9
    Consumer, level 9: Participate in 256 Competitions - 53.13% (196/256)
  • Commander, level 5
    Commander, level 5: Serve a total of 365 days as a sub-unit summit position - 50.27% (273/365)
  • Players Gonna Play, level 10
    Players Gonna Play, level 10: Earn 33 Envoy Marks by participating in RP activities - 50.0% (30/33)
    Grants: access to 1 Character Sheet Feat, a bonus of 7500 credits, and 50 XP