Lucas Online Announces Redesign


Lucas Online Announces Redesign

Hey folks. I'll be posting occasional news that relates to the Star Wars, the Star Wars Universe, or other topics of interest to fans that may not relate directly to the DB. Anyhow... is receiving a major face lift as part of a program to, as Jim Ward, Vice President of Marketing for Lucasfilm Ltd. and head of Lucas Online puts it "...We're using technology and innovation to bring fans closer to the Star Wars universe and - more importantly - to expand the definition of Internet entertainment." Additionally, a pay-to-view subscription service will be added to, called "Hyperspace." For more information on the changes coming, check out

What exactly does this mean for people who view Well, it means that if you want never-before-released material, you can buy to access it. Supposedly, the features we love (the databank and others) will remain free. Only time will tell if this remains true, and I sincerely hope so!

Either way, after watching the Hyperspace Trailer, it does look tempting to any true Star Wars geek :P Comments and questions on this should be directed to our General Discussion topic on this at

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