Final Comments on the Situation with the EH


Final Comments on the Situation with the EH

As all you reading this probably know, the Emperor's Hammer has declared the Dark Brotherhood its Enemy. We are the sole occupation of an out-dated list once used to house clubs which were openly targeted and harassed as open online "warfare" raged between these clubs and the Emperor's Hammer. At the worst moments of these online "wars", people in both organizations suffered under insults, email bombs, and various other attacks ranging from harassment to WinNukes.

The Dark Brotherhood does not recognize the idea of an online "Enemy." We have no problem with the vast majority of the Emperor's Hammer members. In fact, I am sure we all have friends on both sides of this "war." While the Emperor's Hammer has declared the Dark Brotherhood as an Enemy, the DB will NOT do the same.

The Dark Brotherhood will not subject its membership to the sort of online "war" which once raged between opposing clubs. No, it is not our goal to cause harm to the Emperor's Hammer or its membership in any way. We are all very deeply saddened by the recent turn of events. However, the leadership of the DB felt it necessary that we make this statement, as well as explaining what exactly happened to cause the placing of the Enemy List.

The Dark Brotherhood will not exist in a community where EH pressures dictate what is to be done. We will not mimic the EHDB, nor compare ourselves to it. The Dark Brotherhood will strike out on its own and recreate an environment that we once had: fun.

For more information on the events that occurred in recent days to cause us to be placed on the Enemies List, please visit the message board posting at Instead of bombarding all our members with every single detail of the chain, we have posted it on the message board so those that wish to move on and forget all of this can do so.

 Let it be known that from this point forward, the Dark Brotherhood will be officially ignoring any and all attempts for communication, domain and message board postings by the Emperor's Hammer. All members are asked to do the same. This is not to say to ignore your friends and companions in the EH, but avoid the political subjects with engender such passionate opinions.  Nor is this any kind of attack on EH members, or an attempt to generalize them all based on the actions of their leader. Rather, this news posting and the message board postings are an attempt to keep the membership updated and aware on the situation we are in and our current policy on it.  

 We are all here to have fun. That is what is most important here.  And its time that all of us, regardless of rank or position, make this club the most fun place it can be. :)

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