Korriban QUA open


Korriban QUA open

After the removal of OP Reza from his position due a LONG period of inactivity, I am hereby opening the position of Quaestor of House Korriban, order of the Obelisk, to everyone willing to work hard for the good of the Clan and of the DB.
The Basic requirement are:

- Rank of PRT+
- fast mail reply time, 48h max.
- Been able to work in team with the other summits of the Clan for the better of us all.
- Been able to fulfill a wide range of duties when I see it needed.

- Held a command position before in a CMDR+ spot both in the EH or RS as long as I can verify.
- Been able to host multiplayer nights for the House competitions.
- Been tollerant with the change of moods of the CON (aka me).
- A resume of your previous position will be much appreciated.

The application will ends october 1st and must be sent to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] AND to my PCON [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

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