First shadows are being cast ahead...


First shadows are being cast ahead...

I have been sent one Independence Games event that will need an early signup due to the fact that competitors will have to prepare for playing this event and it should start with all the other competitions.

I hand the podium to DJM Arania Lawakiro, who has the following advance information about Event #14:

You always wanted an ACC ladder not following ladder rules? Got tired of the same old boring locations? Didn't want to see the same weapons used at all times?

If you don't care for standard battles and don't mind the occassional crazyness, sign up for Arania's Custom Combat (ACC). You will battle several rounds in fast speed, so be sure to post daily. Sporks aren't allowed as the cantina has been complaining.

In preparation, you must create ONE battle location and hand it in along with your signup. This location cannot be one that is in the ACC venue guide or similar to it. As you will not fight at your own location, feel free to make it as weird and difficult as you can. Signups along with the location (written in venue guide format) are to be submitted to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] until April 11. Late signups cannot be accepted.

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