Darkness Gathers...


Darkness Gathers...

In the near past

The being that had been once known as Keirdagh Cantor glaced at his control panel. Looking up from the displays, he gave a small nod, deeming that the time was indeed ripe for a gathering of the joined. Accessing a personal communications module that was a convenient tool left from his previous existance, he keyed the beam to send only to the joined. The message was simple: "The Ancients are gathering, meet at the following co-ordinates in 3 days time." But for two, a different mission was needed, a mission that would help envelope more into the fold. Once again accessing the communications terminal, he keyed in a tighter beamed message...

Three days had passed, the Ancients had been called, and the joined were assembled. Keirdagh once again deemed the time was ripe, and stepped up to the podium, before the assembled...

We are the Ancient, we are the eternal, in all of our existance, we have never allowed defeat, through the depths of time, we have never endured destruction. Through ageless eras we have been fought, and through all those depths of time, we have never been dominated. Now we stand on the eve of our greatest victory, on the edge of reclaiming ourselves, reclaiming what we once were, reclaiming what we will be into oblivion.
But there are those who would rob us of our bloodright, those who would stop us from our place in ruling the galaxy. These usurpers, these false claimants to the throne of power fear what we are, and thus they fight us. But hear this! We are the many, we are the ancient, and power is us! For everyone of us that they cast down, we shall be reborn within five of their warriors, for death does not have a hold on the eternal!
Already, we have dispatched ourselves to attack the leaders of the resistance, already we have given battle, and already have we found our enemies wanting! From here on in we shall never listen to the voices who would calm our bloodlust, we shall revel in the chaos of life, we shall grasp, and own that which has always been ours!

 Brethren, make war upon the usurpers, bring them to us, for within them is knowledge that can seal our final victory!  We are already joined in battle to capture the loremaster and the lore of this false brotherhood, but we must capture all!  Bring their beings unto us, and join them to us with the power of your blood.  For none can resist the call of the Ancient!"

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