Know Your ACC Stuff Winners


Know Your ACC Stuff Winners

1st Place w/no incorrect answers: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama

2nd Place w/1 incorrect answer: SW Tek Cicero Dantes (submitted 5/15/06@12:00am)

3rd place w/1 incorrect answer: DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (submitted 5/15/06@2:12pm)

The rest had more than one incorrect answer, but there were two in particular that confused me a bit: first leader of the "ACC" was Xizor - not Mairin and "Charisma" was the stat question (#9) - not Wisdom...bunch of folks from the same clan all had that wrong :P

Aneehoo - there'll be another one of these things soon. Thanks to all who participated!!


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