What is match dodging ?


What is match dodging ?

Just because I am receiving injustified ladder match dodging complaints (among those which are legit and have already been dealt with):

**It is not match-dodging if a player refuses to issue a challenge.

It is match-dodging if they refuse to accept one you made.**

The rule about the challenge asymmetry has been made to make the ladder more fun and ensure the placings reflect skill level more than the ability to gang up on some folks with three good players from one Clan. This message board post has a few examples of what kinds of unsportsmanlike and results-distorting conduct can happen without the rule.

So, once and for all: YOU CANNOT FORCE SOMEONE TO CHALLENGE YOU. If you can't challenge them, they don't have to play you.

And comments close to "I don't care what the rules are, in another scenario, this would be dodging" are just wrong. This is not another scenario, it is what it is.


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