JO & JA Servers


JO & JA Servers

Hey all,

Just wanted to sorta respond to something that was going around apparently today. Some were saying there was a problem with one of the JA servers this weekend and that someone may have messed with it intentionally to harm a Clan. Just so those folks know, no one "messed" with the server in question as logs I have clearly show. The JA servers have a bad habit of going down and back up often, more so on Antei usually. One or both may have been down at points over the weekend. I know Antei was up because several team matches were played on it over the weekend. Random downtime is a problem with the hosting company and can USUALLY be cleared up easily, which I'll point out a bit farther down.

There are two problems right now on the servers that are being worked on. Neither server is allowing full voting access, which is a problem and will be fixed. The other problem is Kr'Tal is set on baseja right now instead of the normal JA+ mod everyone is use to and currently is on Antei. JA+ will be added back to Kr'Tal soon. Both issues should be fixed in the next few days.

Just so everyone knows, if the servers are EVER down look for any of the following people online to restart them.

Tal JO Server: Me, Benevolent, Smoke, Lucius
Kr'Tal JA Server: Me, Dessan, Smoke, Lucius
Antei JA Server: Me, Dessan, Smoke, Lucius

Sometimes a support ticket might have to be put in for it to be fixed, but if no one is told it's down then it can't be fixed quickly. If you can't grab on of these people on IRC, just send me an email. Also if you ever have any big problems with any of these servers you can email me and I'll help. If you think someone has messed something up on a server, email me. If it is anything server related, you might as well email me. The one thing that's been noticed over the past two months is no one knows who to go to for server troubles.

For Taldryan,

Obelisk Exarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan
Planetary Viceroy of Karufr

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