HotSE II Corrections


HotSE II Corrections

First, these problems are being worked on now.

There is a question on the exam, either #4 or #5, that states, "What conflict led to the Great Sith War?" Well, this question is wrong. It should say, "What conflict led to the Second Sith War/Jedi Civil War?"

I am looking for the conflict that Revan and Malak went in and broke up (against council's wishes) and then eventually led them on the path towards darkness and the Jedi Civil War. This problem is being fixed.

Also, when answering the opinion questions be sure to explain your answer in detail. Usually I don't mind, but on some of them I will take off a point for a correct answer that doesn't explain why you think that. I don't just want Star Forge, but rather Star Forge that gave them access to ancient strong technology. That's just an example, btw :P

EP Aabs

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